Institute of Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects
affiliated to Berlin Humboldt University (IASP)
Philippstraße 13
10115 Berlin
Fone: +49 (0) 30 2093 9061
Fax: +49 (0) 30 2093 9065
Managing director: Dr. rer.agr. Stefan Köhler
Legal representative of the IASP:
Association for the Promotion of Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects (A.S.P.)
Tax number: 27/640/52090
Sales tax identification number: DE 178816544
Register of associations: Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg VR 12578 Nz
Responsible for content according § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV:
Dr. Stefan Köhler (address as above)
Design and programming:
Enrico Schmidt, Simone R. Voigt (hochform design®)
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In spite of careful content control, we accept no liability for the content of external links. The operators of any linked sites are solely responsible for their content.
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